We are almost at the dress rehearsal...in fact for many of us it has already begun with the first weekends at the beach and trips to the mountains combined with the desire to discover ourselves and sunbathe.
And the cellulite? It's still there undaunted, because winter with its slower pace certainly hasn't helped it disappear as if by magic.
Among the most effective anti-cellulite beauty remedies are definitely body scrubs, creams, mud baths, and above all, exercise and proper nutrition, but all this is often not enough to make it go away.
Here we need to include in our anti-retention routine something specifically for deep drainage and detoxification of the body and tissues.
In addition to drinking plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters a day, without going to the exaggerated amounts that, all too often, are suggested without taking into account that they might even do damage and make the situation worse!) it is highly recommended to use a remedy that I have long experienced on myself with benefits on all levels: birch sap.
Drinking birch sap, according to the directions we will indicate below, greatly helps to drain intracellular body fluids responsible for the cellulite blemish https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulite_(estetica).
The plant is a very powerful natural depurative, helping to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, excess uric acids and is effective in draining stagnant waste in the tissues, thus effectively treating cellulite from within.
Compared to other remedies, which act indirectly and less effectively on the blemish, birch sap, used internally, helps eliminate the fibroconnective nodules that cause cellulite and, if left untreated, worsen over time.
Birch Sap product that I used this summer and have been using in cycles.
The product that I have used with a lot of satisfaction and that I highly recommend is :
![]() | Dietary supplement based on plants and derivatives € 0,00 |
A pleasant syrup with ingredients from ancient herbal tradition
Birch syrup is still a valuable aid for circulatory problems related to lymphatic stasis, fluid accumulation at critical points, as well as a natural adjuvant to physiological kidney diuresis.
This treatment for internal use, thanks to a substance that is highly beneficial to health, has significant effects on skin aesthetics, tone and tissue, with visible and long-lasting results.
- Birch (Betula alba L.) leaves and buds: thanks to the content of saponins and flavonic glycosides, improve diuresis, performing a protective action on the physiological functions of the urinary system. The literature speaks of "washing" the urinary tract, useful for those who on a recurring basis are subject to discomfort from various origins. Its extensive action involves, also the metabolism of urea and cholesterol favoring the elimination of both, which would be followed by the alleviation of fibroconnectival nodules characteristic of cellulite blemishes (Leclerc)
- Birch sap: the combined action of two heterosides, releases by enzymatic means methyl salicylate with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic activity. For these reasons, birch sap is useful in improving in situations of hyperuricemia, where it exerts protective action on both the joints and the vascular district. In addition, precisely because of its soothing action on the algic component associated with the fibroconnective nodules of cellulite, it turns out to be a remedy of choice for that situation, which is almost always associated with fluid retention.
- Concentrated Lemon Juice: classical phytotherapy attributes to this plant a multiplicity of uses of which we herein enumerate those that compete with our purpose. Refreshing, flavor-correcting and adjuvant properties on the physiological elimination of urea have always been known. Ultimately, the literature attributes to the lemon the ability to convey acid catabolites and other products of catabolism through the renal emunctory, opposing the so-called "hydrogen action" and thus the "imbibition" of tissues.
- Chlorophyll magnesium: with refreshing activity, this is a naturally extracted pigment carrying magnesium at the tissue level.
Method of use:
1 tablespoon 2 times a di diluted in plenty of water or other liquid away from meals.