Without meat and fish protein, autoimmune diseases cannot be cured. The opinion of Dr. Piero Mozzi.

sense of time Senza le proteine di carne e pesce non è possibile guarire le malattie autoimmuni. Il parere del Dott. Piero Mozzi.

During one of the many episodes during which Dr. Piero Mozzi gives his opinion on nutrition, Mozzi explains to a vegan why the vegan diet, in his opinion, is not indicated in cases of autoimmune diseases and would even be harmful.

All of our biological mechanisms start from protein-based mechanisms, and if the proper proteins are not there, according to one's genetic programming, damage is created, and not only would a vegan diet not help solve cases of serious diseases but could, in fact, be counterproductive.

There has been much debate on the subject in recent years, especially, after the release of books that became best sellers in professing a diet that excluded the use of animal-derived proteins, we refer in particular to The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.

In the video, which I recommend you listen to carefully, Dr. Mozzi explains why, on the other hand, a diet other than vegan, and including the right proteins from meat and fish, is not only advisable but essential for warding off and resolving difficult-to-treat conditions such as autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis, and connectivitis.

In order to truly appreciate the validity and truthfulness and honesty of this doctor (so rare these days) I recommend that you read his books.

You Can Heal

Average rating out of 24 reviews: Not to be missed

€ 20,00

"This book aims to bring attention to nutrition and the implications it has on the human body.

The intent of the text is 'to give everyone, even those with no medical knowledge, the opportunity to keep track of their health. It's a practical manual that gives us a chance to understand what's going on in our bodies."

Dr. Mozzi's Diet

Blood groups and food combinations

Average rating out of 269 reviews: Not to be missed

€ 19,00



This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Monica Pisu

    I had recently seen the video, then I went to check and since I belong to group A, I could only eat white meat, oily fish and little more than what I eat as a vegetarian. Does it make sense to change the way I eat? How did you go about it?

    1. Lucia

      Without the amino acids in meat and fish, it is impossible to recover from an autoimmune disease unfortunately

      1. Andres

        hi I am Andrea, 6 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease, Basedow's disease, to which was added after two years an arthritic form associated with Sjogren's syndrome. For 3 years I have been on a predominantly vegan diet, sometimes if I am traveling only vegetarian but for short periods. for more than 2 years I have been completely cured and no longer take any medication. Hospital checkups and tests confirm complete remission of both diseases.

  2. Cristina

    I am Cristina..and I have been suffering from fibromyalgia for 32 years...I am group 0...(I have been taking a protein diet together with my husband,also group 0) for more than 10 years...sometimes I do splurge..but not by much...for my disease this type of diet does not give me satisfactory results...so much so that I have chronic fatigue and pain all over my body...Do you have any serious suggestions for me?

    1. Lucia

      Hi Cristina to have results in addition to diet fibromyalgia needs an in-depth investigation of its infectious and metabolic/hormonal causes by having a person experienced in this type of problem follow it up.

  3. Paola

    Dear Cristina, First of all, you should follow the dictates of Dr. Mozzi's Group 0 diet to the letter, without deviating, then follow the menus that are recommended for each season. Which by the way are well varied and with all the necessary foods and nutrients.
    But don't limit yourself to that; in fact, you should put yourself on the waiting list for a more in-depth consultation from De Mozzi, because it's definitely worth it

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